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9 Ways To Connect! 

If you're new or just trying to get more deeply involved, it can be hard.

Here are nine ways that could be just a little easier.  


Connect with one of our Ministry Staff! 


1. Online Resources

Are you stuck at home or need to catch up on a previous sermon? All of our Sunday content can be found online! Check out our YouTube page here. Or, if you're on the go, the podcast version of the message can always be accessed here.

Audio Version - Apple Podcasts / SpotifyPodbean
Video Version - Youtube

2. Ministries


  • Small Groups - Disciple groups remain one of the primary ways we're staying connected - think of it as your spiritual social network. If you're not part of a group then click here, and we'll get you in touch with some wonderful groups that would be excited to have you join. 



  • Disciple Kids - We have weekly resources for your kids to learn about Jesus that they will love! They'll be learning about following Jesus in a way that is just right for them. Check out our Disciple Kids page for info! 




  • Join the Prayer TeamPrayer has to be one of the most important things we can be doing at any time, but there is something about our current moment that makes it feel like prayer is THE most important thing to do. We have a prayer team that is meeting regularly. If you're looking for a way to serve, then this is it. Contact Steve for more information. 

3. Give Online

An important piece of our discipleship is our generosity. Jesus said that what we do with our money was the clearest picture of what's going on in our hearts. There's an offering box in our Worship Center, but you can also give online. If you haven't set up a way to give online, then take a minute and do that here. 

4. Weekly Newsletter

Each week we send out updates about everything that is happening, prayer requests, links,'s all there. So...subscribe to the newsletter.

5. Social Media

We, like about 5 billion other people in the world, are on Facebook. Now a lot of what happens on Facebook isn't always that informative or helpful, but we hope that the regular updates you'd see on our Woodbury Page will be. Take a second and "like" our Woodbury page, so you see updates. If you're one of those cool people that also use Instagram, we've got you covered too. 

6. Church Directory

You need access to the church directory right now. It has everyone who is part of our church family. It is password-protected to keep your info private, but you can ask for the password, and we'll get it to you. Seriously, you'd be surprised how many people think something is wrong with the directory because they keep entering the wrong password. So...just ask. It's OK; we don't mind. 

7. Contact our Elders

Our elders want to hear from you and pray with you! They have accepted the responsibility of your spiritual care and concern. If you have questions, need encouragement, or want to talk with someone, please reach out to them. You can email, and they'll all get it or track down their personal contact info in the directory. 

8. Reach Out To Staff

We're here for you! Let us know how we can pray for you or serve you! You can contact to reach all of us at once, or you can contact us here. Seriously, reach out if you need help, prayer, or encouragement. 
Patrick -
Steve -
Logan -
Presley -
Chelsea -


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